Election Information

Have you Considered Becoming a School Board Member?

Eligible candidates must be registered voters and reside within the boundaries of the Vernonia School District.

The next election date is May, 2025. 

The following positions will be part of the May 2025 election cycle:  position 1, position 4, position 5, and position 6. School Board terms are 4 years. 

How to File for the Election

Submit Form SEL190 to Columbia County Elections Dept. along with a $10 filing fee OR collect 25 signatures on Form SEL121

Filings will be accepted at Columbia County Elections Department (230 Strand Street, St. Helens, OR) beginning spring of 2025 (date t.b.a.)  Filing deadline is spring of 2025 (date t.b.a.).


Columbia County Elections Department

County, City, and District Candidate Manual  (see page 24)

or contact Barb Carr - 503 429-5891 - bcarr@vernoniak12.org